Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

11 Tips Sehat Kaum Adam

Semua orang pasti senang memiliki tubuh yang sehat, sayang gaya hidup, mobilitas dan aktivitas yang tinggi membuat kita kadang menganggap remeh kesehatan. Padahal jika kita tak menyayangi tubuh mulai sekarang bisa jadi penyakit tak akan segan menghampiri kita. Jika tubuh sakit, otomatis kehidupan seksual juga akan terganggu, untuk menghindari hal tersebut ada baiknya kaum pria mulai memperhatikan kesehatan mereka. Apalagi buat pria pekerja yang cenderung semboro dengan kesehatan mereka, berikut ini beberapa info Tips sehat yang penting untuk diketahui:

1. Duduk Bisa Membunuh Sperma

Sudah bukan hal asing lagi jika sperma itu sensitif terhadap panas, karena itu para dokter menganjurkan kaum pria tidak terlalu sering-sering berendam air panas, meringkuk di dalam ruang spa, bahkan memangku laptop. Sebuah penelitian yang dimuat di Jurnal Human Reproduction yang diterbitkan di Inggris pada 2004 menyebutkan kombinasi panas yang dihasilkan laptop dengan panas yang dihasilkan gaya duduk yang merapatkan paha agar laptop bisa diletakan dengan seimbang justru akan mengganggu produksi sperma, dalam hal ini peningkatan lebih dari 1 derajat dari ambang batas akan berakibat negatif pada sperma.

2. Hindari Celana Ketat

Pria juga disarankan tidak menggunakan celana ketat. Celana (juga berlaku untuk celana dalam) yang ketat akan membuat buah zakar menempel ketat pada tubuh secara tidak wajar, sehingga membuatnya jadi lebih hangat. Duduk secara kontinyu, misalnya selama tiga jam, bisa meningkatkan suhu skrotum (kantung buah pelir), suhu yang cukup untuk membunuh sperma.

3. Suplemen Perbaiki Mutu Sperma

Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan, suplemen yang mengandung vitamin C, seng L-carnitine (asam amino), bisa membantu meningkatkan kualitas sperma. Hal ini dibuktikan dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 47 pria dengan motilitas sperma yang buruk. Mereka diberi 3 gram L-carnitine sehari dan ternyata, suplemen tersebut mampu menggandakan jumlah sperma.

Penelitian lain juga dilakukan dengan memberikan asupan seng dosis tinggi, dan ternyata hasilnya sama, seng bisa memperbaiki kualitas sperma. Sejumlah 101 orang pria yang tidak subur mendapatkan 440 mg seng sulfat paling tidak selama dua bulan. Ini adalah bagian perawatan secara komprehensif bagi mereka. Dan hasilnya lebih dari 75 persen dari mereka ternyata berhasil mendapatkan keturunan. Konsumsi vitamin C 250 mg sehari (meningkat menjadi 1.000 mg bagi perokok) bisa mengurangi kerusakan oksidatif pada sperma. Ini artinya, vitamin bisa membantu mencegah cacat kelahiran yang disebabkan oleh kualitas sperma yang buruk.

4. Merokok dan Gangguan Ereksi

Merokok akan membuat pembuluh darah mengkerut, pada organ seks, ini artinya merokok akan meningkatkan risiko gangguan ereksi, karena aliran darah menuju penis berkurang. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Inggris yang dilansir Healthnewsday menunjukkan, 78 persen dari 1.011 pasien gangguan ereksi adalah perokok. Sementara studi yang dilakukan Universitas Kedokteran Yale menyebutkan sekitar 40 persen pria yang menghabiskan rokok sebungkus per hari mengalami disfungsi ereksi, dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak mengkonsumsi rokok.

5. Gaya Hidup dan Impotensi

Impotensi bisa disebabkan oleh banyak hal, salah satunya bila pembuluh arteri menuju penis mengalami penyumbatan. Namun, tak perlu terlalu khawatir tentang hal itu, karena program empat langkah yang meliputi: diet vegetarian rendah lemak, berhenti merokok, berjalan kaki setengah jam setiap hari, dan belajar mengelola stres, ternyata bisa membantu memperbaiki gangguan potensial jenis ini.

6. Konsumsi Tomat

Tomat memang ampuh, ini terbukti untuk para pria yang dalam seminggu mengkonsumsi sepuluh atau lebih hidangan yang melibatkan tomat, karena ternyata tomat bisa mengurangi resiko kanker prostat sebanyak 45 persen. Hal ini karena tomat kaya akan lycopene yang merupakan antioksidan pencegah kanker. Penemuan ini dihasilkan dari penelitian selama tujuh tahun oleh Universitas Harvard yang melibatkan 47.000 orang pria usia paruh baya. Tak peduli bagaimana tomat dikonsumsi, bisa dalam bentuk sup atau saus, tomat tetap menyehatkan.

7. Vasektomi dan Hubungan Seksual

Bisa jadi vasektomi dilakukan pria untuk menghentikan kehamilan dan tak berniat memiliki anak lagi, atau memuaskan pasangan yang sebelumnya mengeluh tak nyaman dengan kondom atau alat kontrasepsi lainnya. Namun, dengan sterilisasi permanen pun, mereka kadang juga merasa tak yakin. Padahal menurut penelitian, pasangan yang menjalani sterilisasi (entah vasektomi ataukah pengikatan tubal ligation) menyatakan bahwa mereka lebih menikmati hubungan seksual setahun setelah menjalani sterilisasi, bahkan frekuensinya cenderung meningkat.

8. Vegetarian Cegah Kebotakan

Botak memang bersifat genetik (menurun), namun gaya hidup dan perawatan rambut yang salah bisa diyakini juga memicu kebotakan. DHT (dihydrotestosterone), sebuah bentuk dari testosteron, adalah agen yang menyumbang terjadinya kerontokan rambut. Orang-orang yang suka melahap daging yang kaya lemak dan rendah serat memiliki tingkat testosteron tinggi, di mana testoteron ini akan dikonversikan menjadi DHT. Karena itu, diet vegeterian yang rendah lemak dan kaya serat mampu menurunkan tingkat testosteron.

9. Tidur cukup

Kurang tidur justru membuat pria loyo dan tak bergairah saat bekerja, padahal tidur cukup bisa mencegah penuaan dini. Saat tidur kita menghasilkan Hormon Somatropin, sebuah hormon yang sangat berperan penting untuk menghambat proses penuaan yang bekerja untuk regenarasi sel. Ketika jadwal tidur mengalami gangguan, hormon tersebut tak bisa berproduksi dengan baik, akibatnya regenerasi sel akan terhambat, padahal tanpa regenarasi, sel-sel yang mati tak akan tergantikan, kerja sel menjadi terhambat. Selain membuat ritme tubuh kacau, kurang tidur juga akan membuat kehidupan seks terganggu.

10. Tubuh Wangi

Sadar atau tidak bau tubuh sangat berpengaruh pada hubungan sosial kita, karena penciuman adalah the most experienced of senses, yang bekerja setiap saat. Jangan pernah menganggap bau harum hanya wajib dilakukan wanita, karena wewangian menyembunyikan kekuatan erotis di dalamnya. Meskipun sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan di ilmuwan fakultas Biologi Manusia di Universitas Pensylvania yang dimuat di Jurnal Biology of Reproduction America mengungkap keringat lelaki bisa menurunkan stress kaum wanita, membantu relaksasi, bahkan mengatur siklus haid dan menjadi obat saat PMS (premenstual syndrome). Meskipun bau ketiak pria bisa mengatur mood wanita, tapi ada baiknya Anda tetap menggunakan parfum atau deodorant untuk mencegah produksi keringat yang berlebihan yang justru mengundang bau tak sedap.

11. Aerobik Tingkatkan Gairah

Jangan pernah menolak ajakan pasangan atau teman untuk membuang keringat di gym usai pulang kantor, karena ternyata menghabiskan waktu di gym benar-benar bisa membuat Anda sehat secara fisik dan seksual. Sebuah penelitian yang mendukung hal ini mengadakan riset yang melibatkan 95 pria berusia sekitar 48 tahun di mana 17 orang berjalan kaki selama satu jam, empat kali eminggu. Selebihnya berlatih aerobik. Setelah 9 bulan, ternyata para pria yang berolahraga dengan berjalan kaki tidak menunjukkan perubahan dalam kehidupan seksual mereka. Sebaliknya, para pria dari kelompok aerobik dilaporkan mengalami lompatan dalam gairah seks, bahkan sekitar 30 persen lebih banyak melakukan hubungan intim. Masalah seks pun jadi berkurang dan lebih mampu menikmati orgasme.

Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Mata Saat Bekerja Di Depan Monitor

Komputer dan berbagai perlengkapannya, seperti monitor, sudah menjadi barang awam dalam setiap pekerjaan kantor. Bukan hal yang asing jika banyak orang harus bekerja di depan monitor sepanjang hari. Pada awalnya kita mungkin sedikit khawatir mengenai pengaruh komputer dan sinar radiasi yang dipancarkan monitor dapat mengganggu kesehatan tubuh, terutama mata. Namun, para ahli pun tak pernah menyerah untuk menciptakan peralatan yang semakinramah dengan lingkungan dan kesehatan.
Meski begitu, bekerja terlalu lama di depan layar monitor tetap saja dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan, seperti mata lelah, nyeri punggung, bahu dan leher. Berikut beberapa tips mengatasi kelelahan dan ketegangan mata di saat bekerja di depan monitor. Mudah-mudahan kita bisa menjaga karunia mata yangtetap, meski harus bekerja berjam-jam.
1.Bekerjalah dalam ruangan yang cukup cahaya.
Perhatikan pencahayaan dalam ruang kerja anda. Jangan bekerja dalam ruangan yang terlalu terang dan menyilaukan mata. Gunakan kerai untuk mengatur cahaya dari jendela. Letakkan lampu di atas kepala. Hindari anda menatap cahayanya secara langsung. Sebaliknya, jangan pula bekerja dalam ruangan yang terlalu gelap atau redup. Usahakan agar ruangan anda cukup terang agarmata anda tidak bekerja terllau keras.
2.Gunakan filter monitor.
Untuk mengurangi sinar yang menyilaukan dan radiasi yang dipancarkan layar monitor, gunakan filter glass monitor. Berbicaralah pada vendor perlengkapan komputer anda untuk mendapatkan filter yang baik dan mampu mengurangipengaruh radiasi, bukan hanya sekedar meredupkan cahaya monitor.
3.Periksa monitor anda.
Periksa apakah monitor anda masih bekerja dengan baik? Bandingkan dengan monitor lain. Bila gambar yang tampak semakin buram, berkedip-kedip atau tidak nyaman bagi mata anda, maka sudah waktunya untuk memperbaiki atau mengganti monitor itu. Lebih baik mengganti monitor daripada membiarkan mata anda terganggu. Sering-seringlah membersihkan monitor dari debu dan kotoranyang mengganggu layar.
4.Letakkan kertas kerja agar mudah dibaca.
Jika anda harus bekerja dengan menyalin atau membaca kertas kerja, maka letakkan kertas kerja tersebut dalam jarak yang seimbang dengan monitor anda. Ini agar anda tidak perlu bolak-balik memfokuskan pandangan untuk membaca kertas kerja anda, setelah membaca di layar monitor.
5.Perhatikan posisi monitor.
Letakkan layar monitor sedemikian rupa sehingga membentuk sudut antara 10-15 derajat dari posisi sejajar dengan pandangan lurus anda. Hal ini selain agar tidak melelahkan mata anda, juga menjaga agar bahu dan leher anda cukupnyaman bekerja.
6.Bekerjalah dengan “font” yang cukup besar.
Bila anda harus mengedit tulisan di depan komputer, pastikan ukuran atau “font” hurup yang anda gunakan cukup besar. Jangan paksa mata anda untuk membaca hurup kecil pada monitor. Mata anda bukanlah mikroskop bagi tulisan yang ada di layar monitor. Gunakan fasilitas untuk memperbesar atau menyesuaikan besar tampilan gambar di monitor anda. Bila anda telah selesai mengedit atau membacanya, anda bisa kembalikan font tersebut ke posisisemula.
7.Istirahatkan mata anda.
Relakskan mata anda. Pejamkan atau kerjap-kerjapkan. Jangan kucek-kucek mata anda. Namun, sering-seringlah berkedip. Ini dapat menurunkan ketegangan dan menjaga mata anda tetap basah dan sejuk. Bila anda terlalu lama melihat dalam jarak dekat, alihkan pandangan anda ke arah yang jauh. Lakukan iniselama beberapa menit setiap 30 menit.
8.Periksa kacamata atau lensa kontak.
Bila anda menggunakan kacamata atau lensa kontak dan anda harus bekerja sepanjang hari di depan monitor, ada baiknya anda konsultasikan dengan dokter mata atau optik anda agar anda bisa mendapatkan kacamata yang sesuai. Baik, ukuran lensa dan framenya. Bila anda merasa lelah menggunakan kacamata, tanggalkan saja. Kacamata bisa membuat mata lelah. Sesekali
biarkan mata anda melihat bebas. Namun, segera kenakan kacamata anda bila merasa harus mengenakannya. Jangan paksa mata anda melihat tanpa bantuan kacamata anda.


Every doctrine and philosophy of life based on trust, evaluation of life, and the interpretation and analysis about the universe. How to think a school about life and the universe is considered as the basis of all schools of thought that. This basic conception of the school called it about the universe. All religions, social systems, schools of thought, and social philosophy is based on a particular conception of the universe. All targets are exposed to a school, means and methods to achieve that goal, is a corollary of the school conception of the universe. According to the philosophers, there are two kinds of wisdom: practical wisdom and theoretical wisdom. The meaning of theoretical wisdom is knowing what is like there. While the practical wisdom is knowing how we should live. "Supposedly" is the logical result of "how it", especially "how's" that became the subject of metaphysical philosophy. The conception and perception of the Universe So we should not confuse the conception of the universe with sensory perception of the universe. The conception of the universe implies cosmogony (the origin of the universe, theories about this and pen.) And something to do with problem identification. Unlike sensory perception, which is common to man and other living things, the identification is only possessed by humans. Therefore, the conception of the universe is only possessed by humans. This conception depends on thinking and understanding. From the standpoint of sensory perception of the universe, many animals are more advanced than humans, because animals have certain senses that no human-like birds have radar-sense or senses of animals, though possessed by animals or humans, sharper senses than humans, such as eagle eyes, sense of smell dogs and ants, and the sense of hearing mice. Humans are superior to animals because humans have a profound conception of the universe. Animals just see nature, but humans can interpret it as well. What is identification? How is the relationship between perception and identification? Elements of anything other than persepsional elements that are part and identification? How these elements into the identification, and and where? What is the mechanism of identification? How to set a standard which the identification is right and wrong identification? These are the questions that need to be addressed alone in separate writings. Now we can not discuss it. However, of course, perceive something is different with identify. Many people see the sights, but only a handful who can interpret it, and their interpretation are also often different. Various Conception of the Universe In general there are three kinds of conceptions of the universe or the identification of the universe, or in other words the human interpretation of the universe. The source of this interpretation is three things: science, philosophy, and religion. So we can say that there are three kinds of conceptions about the universe: the scientific conception, the conception of philosophical, and religious conceptions. Scientific Conception of the Universe Rnari Now we see how and to what extent science helps us to form an opinion. Science is based on two things: theory and experiment. To know and interpret phenomena, then the first thing on the minds of scientists terbesit is the theory. Then, based on the theory, she conducted experiments in the laboratory. If the theory is justified by experiment, the theory was accepted as a scientific principle, and will continue to be valid until a new theory that better and more comprehensive is corroborated by experiment. When new, more comprehensive theory emerged, then the theory no longer be valid. Thus, science finds a cause and effect through the experiment. Then science tries again to find the cause of cause and consequence of that result. This process lasts as long as possible. There are many advantages and disadvantages of scientific work, because science is based on practical experiments. The biggest advantage of the findings of science is finding a special character. Human science can give much information about something. It can also provide knowledge about a leaf. Then, because it introduces people with certain laws governing something, then the human sciences can make to control and exploit something, and thereby advancing science and technology industry. Although science can provide the thousands of things about anything, but because the knowledge provided by science-specific nature, the scope is too limited. Experimental limit. The science may move forward as long as possible to make experiments. Clearly, science can not do the experiment over the whole universe and all its aspects. Science effort to determine cause and effect is only at a certain level, and then arrived at the stage of science "is not taboo." Science is like a spotlight, which only illuminate a limited area. Outside that area, science can not be illuminated. Nothing can be done experimentally for problems such as whether this nature is the beginning and end, whether the two sides of this nature has no limits? When scientists deal with this problem, consciously or unconsciously, in order to give an opinion on this issue he turned to philosophy. According to science, nature is an ancient book, the first page and last page was missing. The beginning and end are unknown. The reason is that the conception of natural science is the result of knowledge about the part, not about language. Science provides information about the position of some parts of the universe, not about the characteristics and nature of the entire universe. Conception of knowledge about the universe is like the conception of scientific version of the elephant from the people in the dark groping an elephant. People who think that holding the elephant's ear elephant are like fans, people who hold the thought that the elephant leg elephant is like a pillar, and the person who holds back the elephant thinks that the elephant is like a stage. Other deficiencies that exist in the conception of science is the conception of the universe can not be the basis for the ideology, because of its practical aspect, namely to show the reality of terms such as the existence and terms of making people believe the character of the reality of the universe, science is changing. According to science, the natural characteristics of this varies from day to day, because science is based on a combination of theory and experiment, not based on a clear rational truth. Theory and experiment have only temporary value. Therefore, the conception of natural science is changing, and not worthy to be the basis of faith. Faith requires a more constant basis or permanent enough. Conception of knowledge about the universe-given limitations caused by the tools of science (theory and experiment)-was unable to answer some questions, the answer certainly crucial for ideology. The question is: Where did this universe? Where did this universe? In terms of time, whether this nature is the beginning and end? How does his position in terms of place? Does their existence, in general, good and meaningful? Is this nature is governed by norms and laws are not changing and essential, or things like that do not exist? Is the universe in general is a unit of the living and conscious, or whether humans are an exception that happened? Could there be something missing, or something that had nothing to be there? Could or mustahilkah restore something that does not exist? Could re-creation of the universe and history in all its details, even after billions and billions of years? The larger of the unity or multiplicity? What is the nature of the universe is divided into material and non-material nature, and whether the material world is a small part of nature as a whole? Is this nature get the correct guidance and intelligent, or whether nature is weak and blind? Is this the situation of human and natural give and take? Is this universe shows a reaction to good deeds and bad deeds of man? Is there eternal life after this mortal life? There are many other similar questions. Science does not provide answers to all these questions, because science can not do experiments on these questions. That can be answered by science only limited questions and specific. Science can not give a general picture of the universe. For more details, we give an example. Someone may have a certain knowledge of a big city. He probably knows in detail one part and the city, and may be able to describe the streets of large and small in the city, and even the houses in the city. Other people may also know in detail elsewhere and the city, and the third, fourth and fifth may know other parts of the city. If the information collected from them all, may be obtained sufficient information about each part of the city. But will this information is sufficient to have a complete picture about the city? For example, can the known shape of the city: whether round, square, or shaped like a leaf? If you like the leaves, then leaves what? What about mutual relationships between the various areas of the city? What type of car link it? Is the city in general is beautiful or ugly? Clearly, all this information can not be obtained. If you want information like that, and for example want to know the shape of the city, or want to know whether the city is beautiful or ugly, it needs a plane to get the full sight from the air about the city. As already stated, science can not answer the fundamental questions that needed to form a conception of the universe. Also can not give a complete picture of the universe. Apart from all this, the conception of scientific knowledge about the universe is the practical and technical, not theoretical, whereas ideology can be based on a theoretical value only. If the nature of reality as described by science, it certainly would be a theoretical value of science. Technical and practical value of science lies in the fact that regardless of whether or not depict science describes reality, science provides the ability to man to fulfill a useful task. Industry and modern technology to show the practical value of science. It's amazing, in this modern world, while the technical and practical value of knowledge increases, it sank theoretical value. Those who do not know the exact role of science, may think that in addition to the practical advancement of science undeniably, science has also been enlightening the human conscience and has to convince people about the reality as depicted by science. But the fact is not so. From the previous discussion it is clear that ideology requires a conception of nature (1) to answer important questions about the universe as a whole, not just part of the universe, (2) can be a conception of the eternal and reliable, not a conception of nature for a while; and (3) may have theoretical value and the value of realistic too, not merely practical value and technical value only. So, it is also clear that the conception of natural science, even with other things that can be trusted, do not have all three of these requirements. Philosophical conceptions of the Universe Concerning Despite the philosophical conception of the universe not as specific as sesaksama and conceptions of science, but philosophical conception is based on a number of principles that clearly and undeniably by the intellect. These principles are logical, general and comprehensive nature. Due to strong and constant, then these principles have the advantage. Philosophical conception of the universe ketidakkonstanan and free from such limitations, there are two things in the conception of science. Philosophical conception of the universe to answer all the back issues of ideology. This principle identifies the shape and characteristics of the universe intact. Both the conception of a philosophical conception of science as well as a preamble to the action, but with two different ways. The conception of science is the preamble to the action because this conception makes man capable of controlling nature and bring about change in nature. Humans, by means of science, to exploit nature for his interests. Philosophical conception of the preamble to the action, the meaning is that this conception of life determines the way that human selected. This principle affects human reaction to the experiences associated with nature. This principle determines his attitude, and gave him certain views about the universe. This principle gives to the human ideal, or revoke the ideal and human. This principle gives meaning to life, or pull it toward things that are trivial and absurd. That is why we say that science can not give a conception of nature that can be the basis for an ideology, while philosophy can. Concerning Religious Conception of the Universe If any exposure to the total view of the universe regarded as a philosophical conception, by not considering whether the source of conception is estimated, thoughts, or revelation and the supernatural, the religious and philosophical conceptions of the same field. However, if the source is considered, then the philosophical and religious conception of the universe no doubt are two different things. In certain religions such as Islam, the religious conception of the universe takes the color of a philosophical or argumentative, and is an integral part of religion itself. The questions raised by religion is based on thought and argument. Thus, the Islamic conception of the universe is rational and philosophical. Besides these two conceptions of philosophical values, that is timeless and comprehensive, the religious conception of the universe, unlike the scientific and philosophical conception of pure, has one more value, which purify the principles of the conception of the universe. If it be remembered that the ideology-in addition to requiring the belief that the principles which are considered sacred by the ideology is eternal and can not be contested, requires faith and obedience to the school of thought, it is clear that the base could only conception of the universe having religious color. From the foregoing discussion it can be concluded that the conceptions about the universe come to be the basis of ideological conception if it has a balanced, broad philosophical thinking and the sanctity of religious principles. How to Assess Ideology? Ideology can be considered complete if: (1) can be shown and expressed in logical, in other words can be maintained in logic and intellectual, (2) gives meaning to life and erase the idea that nothing of the mind, (3) encouraging, ( 4) able to purify human goals and social goals, and (5) make people responsible. If ideology is logically tenable, then smooth the way ideology is to be accepted intellectually. And because there is no confusion about it, then the action that was so easy suggestions. Ideology of encouragement to make his school interesting and gives warmth and strength to his school. Purification purposes by schools of the school ideology, makes it easy to bekorban adherents of this school for the sake of principle or purpose of the school. If schools do not mention that sacred purpose, so schools are not able to realize the love of principle and a sense of bekorban for the sake of principle, also there can be no assurance that such schools will be successful. Accountability man mentioned by the conception of the universe to make people have the dedication to Had his conscience and make people responsible for themselves and society. Tawhid conception of the Universe All the characteristics and qualities that absolutely must be owned by a good conception of the universe, is owned by the conception of monotheism. The conception of monotheism is the only conception which has all the characteristics and qualities. The conception of monotheism is the awareness of the fact that the universe is thanks to the will of the wise, and that the universe is upheld above Had grace and mercy and all that good. The goal is to bring everything to perfection itself. The conception of monotheism means is that the universe is "fuse one" and "orbit one." What this means is that the universe is "from God" and "going back to God." All beings in this world in harmony, and its evolution towards the center of the same. Everything created nothing in vain, and not without purpose. This world is managed by a certain set of system known as "the law (sunna) of God." Among the creatures that exist, human beings have a dignity that special, special duties, and special missions. Humans are responsible for promoting and perfecting itself, and is also responsible for updating the community. This world is a school. Allah may reward to anyone on the basis of intentions and concrete efforts. The conception of monotheism about this world has the support of logic, science and a strong argument. Every particle in this universe is a sign indicating the existence of Allah is Knower Arif, and every tree leaves is a book that contains spiritual knowledge. Monotheistic conception of the universe gives meaning, spirit and purpose to life. This conception puts men on the road to perfection is always its target without ever stopping at any stage. The conception of monotheism has a special attraction. This conception gives vitality and strength to man, offering a holy goal again high, and gave birth to the people who care. This conception is the only conception of the universe which makes human responsibility toward each other to have meaning. Also is the only conception of saving people from falling into the abyss of ignorance. Islamic conception of the Universe Islamic conception of the universe is a conception of monotheism. Islam brought monotheism in its purest form. From the Islamic point of view, there is nothing like God, and none of his rival: There is nothing similar to Him. (Surat ash-Shura: 11) Independence of the absolute nature of God. Everything depends on Him, but He does not depend on anything and anyone: YOU will need God. And Allah is Rich, the Praised. (Surah Fathir: 15) God sees and knows everything. He was able to do whatever He wills: He knows all things. (Surat ash-Shura: 12) He was able to do everything. (Surah al-Hajj: 26) God is everywhere. Every place, whether in the sky or in the depths of the earth, have the same relationship with Him. Any direction we are facing, we are facing God: Everywhere you turn away, that's where God's face. (Surah al-Baqarah: 115) God knows our hearts content. He knows all intentions and our goals: And indeed We created man and know what you hear whispered by heart. (Surah QAF: 16) God closer to man than his neck vein: We are nearer to him than her veins. (Surah QAF: 16) God has everything a good nature and free of any shortcomings: God has the Greatest Names. (Surah al-A'raf: 180) God is not a material organism, and can not be seen with the eye: He can not be achieved by eye sight, while he can see everything that vision. (Surah al-An'am: 103) From the standpoint of Islamic monotheism and the conception of the universe, the universe was created by and maintained by God's will and attention. If God does not give instant attention, then the whole universe would perish instantly. The universe was created not in vain or not to jest. In the creation of man and the world implied a lot of advantages. Everything that is created is not in vain. Existing systems in the universe is a system that best and most perfect. This system is manifest justice and truth, and is based on a series of cause and effect. Each result is the logical consequence of a cause, and every since birth due to a special. Providence of God manifest something through because the particular course, and a series of sebablah which is God's destiny for something. The will of God always works in the universe with the form of law or general principle. The law of God does not change. If there is a change, so always in accordance with the law. Good and bad in the universe is related to human behavior itself and his own actions. Good deeds and bad, in addition come the punishment in the hereafter, also got a reaction in the universe. Gradual evolution is God's law. The universe is a place for human development. Providence of God applies to the universe. Humans are destined by God's destiny for independent and responsible. Man is the master of his own fate. Human beings have dignity in particular. Human right to be caliph of God. This world and the hereafter is only a two-stage inter-related, such as planting seeds and harvesting, because the harvest is grown. Two stages can also be equated with two periods: the period of the children and the elderly period. Because the period of old age is the result of the period of the children.